The third interdisciplinary symposium “Biogeography of the Carpathians” will be held in September 2022 in Prague, Czechia. The forum offers an excellent opportunity for scientists studying the biodiversity and evolution of the Carpathian biota to share their most recent knowledge and to interact with others having similar interests. The third edition is a continuation of symposia organized in Kraków, Poland (2013) and Cluj, Romania (2017), and represents a platform for free exchange of ideas, research advances and future research directions shared by scientists connected by their common interests on diverse aspects of the Carpathian biodiversity.
These aspects, which will be discussed within the present symposium, include:
- Evolution, spatial distribution and past climate-induced distributional shifts of the Carpathian biota from infraspecific to ecosystem level
- Carpathians in a larger biogeographical context
- Impact of climate change on ecology & future range shifts of the Carpathian biota
- Biological invasions: spatial patterns & impact on native biodiversity
- Identification, conservation & sustainability of biodiversity hot spots
Recorded talks
The collection of 26 presentations of invited and ordinary speakers who gave a consent to record and publicly display their talks is available here:
Student awards
The best student poster
Kristýna Vlková "An ecological network of large carnivores in the Carpathians: a key tool for protecting landscape connectivity"
The best student talk
Magdalena Gajdošová "Characterization of molecular diversity of spring fen macrozoobenthos from two geomorphological regions"
Tetiana Pachschwöll "In the footsteps of Jávorka: systematics and evolution of Saussurea alpina (Asteraceae) in the European Alpine System with a focus on the Carpathians"
Invited speakers
So far confirmed

Karel Chobot
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czechia

Michal Grabowski
University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland

Ľuboš Halada
Institute of Landscape Ecology, Bratislava, Slovakia

Michal Horsák
Masaryk Univesity, Brno, Czechia

Veronika Konečná
Charles University, Prague, Czechia

Sébastien Lavergne
Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine, Grenoble, France

Katarzyna Ostapowicz
Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Symposium venue
Velká geologická posluchárna Lecture Hall Faculty of Science, Charles University Albertov 6 Prague, Czech Republic 50°4'8.174"N, 14°25'28.102"E
Arrival by plane to Václav Havel international airport
From the bus stop at Václav Havel Airport (Terminal 1 / Terminal 2) take a bus no. 119
direction to the terminal stop Nádraží Veleslavín where you change to a metro line A
to Hradčanská station where you get off and change to a tram no. 18 to Albertov where you get
off and walk ca 250 m
to Albertov 6 (duration ca 55 min).
Arrival by train to Prague main railway station
Take a tram no. 9 to Národní třída where you change to a tram no. 18 to Albertov
where you get off and walk ca 250 m to Albertov 6 (duration ca 20 min).
Arrival by bus to main station Prague - Florenc
Take a metro line B to Karlovo náměstí station where you change to a tram no. 14 or 18 or 24 to
Albertov where you get off and walk ca 250 m to Albertov 6 (duration ca 20 min).
Where to have lunch / dinner?
Have a look here.
The venue is located at Albertov - the university quarter situated very close to the historical city centre. We recommend to stay locally and rent an apartment (available via AirBnB or or book your accommodation in several pensions / hotels situated nearby. Please make a reservation in advance as Prague belongs to the most visited cities in Europe.
Symposium organization
Organized by
Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
under the auspices of
Prof. Jiří Zima, Dean of the Faculty
Coorganized & Financially supported by

Journal of Biogeography, Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic & Ministry of the Environment
Scientific & Organizing Committee
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
Institute of Biological Research, Cluj-Napoca
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic, Prague
Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
Botanical Garden, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków
Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków
Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
The pdf of the Book of Abstracts is downloadable here.
We strongly encourage the authors of contributions that are relevant to a disciplinarily and geographically broad audience, e.g. case studies describing highly compelling patterns and revealing mechanisms that shape biodiversity in time and space, and synthesis overviews across subdisciplines and organismal groups, to submit their manuscripts to Journal of Biogeography. The manuscripts meeting these criteria, as assessed by the chief editors working closely with a team of associate & guest editors, will enter the standard review process with the final aim to publish a topical section (6-12 papers) within an issue of Journal of Biogeography. The manuscripts are expected to be submitted within 3-6 months after the close of the Symposium. The journal’s author guidelines can be found here. Additional documents concerning structured abstracts and informative figures, which can help maximise the impact of your science are provided on the journal’s blog: Abstracts & Figures.

Patrik Mráz: +420 221 951 642
Viera Mrázová: +420 221 951 646