#start interactive job qsub -I -l walltime=4:0:0 -q default@meta-pbs.metacentrum.cz -l select=1:ncpus=8:mem=8gb:scratch_local=8gb cd /storage/brno2/home/$LOGNAME/ cd HybSeqSource #download script for preparing cpDNA reference wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tomas-fer/scripts/master/extractGBplastome.sh #download wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tomas-fer/scripts/master/product.txt #download GenBank file with full plastome reference in GenBank format #e.g. Wurfbainia villosa NC044746 #https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ - select nucleotide (not All databases), search for NC044746, click on 'Send to', select File, Format: GenBank, Create File #rename the downloaded file to 'Wurfbainia-villosa_NC044746.gb' and upload to MetaCentrum (HybSeqSource folder) #run the script chmod +x extractGBplastome.sh ./extractGBplastome.sh Wurfbainia-villosa_NC044746.gb #this create many references for HybPhyloMaker cd ../HybPhyloMaker #edit settings nano settings.cfg cp=yes cpDNACDS=Wurfbainia-villosa_NC044746_reference_CDSnonHPM200.fasta #run script to prepare pseudoreference qsub HybPhyloMaker0b_preparereference.sh #Map reads to chloroplast pseudoreference qsub HybPhyloMaker2a_readmappingParallel.sh #Run this submitter created by the previous job (this script submits 35 jobs) cd HybSeqCourse2023/cp/21mapped_bwa/ && ./submitMappingJobs.sh && cd ../../.. #Run the summary script (after all jobs are finished) qsub HybPhyloMaker2a2_readmappingParallel_summary.sh #continue as with normal HybPhyloMaker analysis - results are now in the 'cp' folder