#How to setup Fast-Plast on Metacentrum #Start interactive job qsub -I -l walltime=4:0:0 -q default@meta-pbs.metacentrum.cz -l select=1:ncpus=8:mem=8gb:scratch_local=8gb cd /storage/brno2/home/$LOGNAME/ mkdir FASTPLAST cd FASTPLAST #First enable necessary software #module add perl/perl-5.30.3-gcc-4.8.5-giw6nuv #necessary for multi-threading with SSPACE module add gcc-4.9.2 #necessary for compilation of 'afin' module add jdk-7 #module add bioperl-1.6.9-gcc module add bowtie2-2.2.9 module add bowtie-1.0.0 module add trimmomatic-0.39 module add spades-3.15.4 module add blast-plus/2.12.0-gcc-8.3.0-ohlv7t4 module add R-3.6.2-gcc module add jellyfish-2.3.0 #Clone Fast-Plast from GitHub and run interactive installer #git clone https://github.com/mrmckain/Fast-Plast #cd Fast-Plast #Get older release 1.2.8. (works actually until completion for our data!) wget https://github.com/mrmckain/Fast-Plast/archive/refs/tags/v.1.2.8.tar.gz tar -xvf v.1.2.8.tar.gz cd Fast-Plast-v.1.2.8 perl INSTALL.pl #During the installation: #Do you have all dependencies installed : No #Do you want me to try to install them : All #check whether 'afin' is working ./afin/afin #you should get two error messages about files to be provided #Modify 'fast-plast.pl' - modify path to system versions of tools cp fast-plast.pl fast-plast.pl.bak #backup the file grep -v "^my \$SPADES" fast-plast.pl > modif.pl sed -i '27imy \$SPADES=\"/software/spades/3.15.4/bin/spades.py\";' modif.pl grep -v "^my \$BOWTIE1" modif.pl > tmp && mv tmp modif.pl sed -i '30imy \$BOWTIE1=\"/software/bowtie-1.0.0/bin\";' modif.pl grep -v "^my \$JELLYFISH" modif.pl > tmp && mv tmp modif.pl sed -i '31imy \$JELLYFISH=\"/software/jellyfish/2.2.4/bin/jellyfish\";' modif.pl mv modif.pl fast-plast.pl #modify dirs mv bin/bowtie2- bin/bowtie2- #Get the test data cp /storage/projects/ginger/ZingiberalesCourse/10rawreads/Ensete-superbum_S375/Ensete-superbum_S375_L001_R{1,2}_001.fastq.gz . #Run the analysis perl fast-plast.pl -1 Ensete-superbum_S375_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz -2 Ensete-superbum_S375_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz --name Ensete-superbum_S375 --bowtie_index Zingiberales --coverage_analysis