Article details

Title: Variation in nuclear DNA content at the species level in Armeria maritima
Authors: Vekemans, X.; Lefèbvre, C.; Coulaud, J.; Blaise, S.; Gruber, W.; Siljak-Yakovlev, S.; Brown, S. C.
Countries: BE - Belgium/FR - France
Year: 1996
Publication: Hereditas
Pagination: 124:237-242
Family: Plumbaginaceae
Species: Armeria maritima
Plant Group: Angiosperms
Objectives: Genome size, Base composition
Type of Standardization: Internal
Type of Standard: Plants
Plant standards: 1 - Petunia hybrida cv. PxPc6
Standard 2C values: 1 - 2.85
Fluorochromes: Mithramycin, Ethidium bromide, Chromomycin
Buffers: Galbraith
Buffer modifications: 2-mercaptoethanol, 0.7 % Triton X-100
Flow Cytometer: Beckman Coulter - EPICS V
Histograms: N
Herbarium Vouchers:
Plant DNA C-values Database: S - 318
CV range:
Date added: 2008-05-05


code by Oleg Kovářík