Article details

Title: Reproduction mode in the allopolyploid facultatively apomictic hawkweed Hieracium rubrum (Asteraceae, H. subgen. Pilosella)
Authors: Krahulcová, A.; Papouskova, S.; Krahulec, F.
Countries: CZ - Czech Republic
Year: 2004
Publication: Hereditas
Pagination: 141:19-30
Family: Asteraceae
Species: Hieracium pilosella, Hieracium rubrum
Plant Group: Angiosperms
Objectives: Ploidy level
Sub-objective: Apomixis
Type of Standardization: Internal
Type of Standard: Plants
Plant standards: 1 - Hieracium 6x
Standard 2C values:
Fluorochromes: DAPI
Buffers: Otto, Partec
Buffer modifications: Partec --> Two steps kit + 2-mercaptoethanol
Flow Cytometer: Partec - PA-II
Histograms: Y
Herbarium Vouchers:
Plant DNA C-values Database: N
CV range: 0-3%
Date added: 2008-05-05


code by Oleg Kovářík