Article details

Title: Ploidy investigation of bananas (Musa spp.) from the National Banana Germplasm Collection at Rubona-Rwanda by flow cytometry
Authors: Nsabimana, A.; van Staden, J.
Countries: ZA - South Africa
Year: 2006
Publication: South African Journal of Botany
Pagination: 72:302-305
Family: Musaceae
Species: Musa sp.
Plant Group: Angiosperms
Objectives: Ploidy level
Type of Standardization: No standardization
Type of Standard: No standardization
Plant standards:
Standard 2C values:
Fluorochromes: Propidium iodide
Buffers: Galbraith
Buffer modifications: Dithiothreitol, frozen leaves
Flow Cytometer: Beckman Coulter - EPICS XL
Histograms: Y
Herbarium Vouchers: N
Plant DNA C-values Database: N
CV range: 0-3% - 3-5%
Date added: 2008-05-05


code by Oleg Kovářík