
The CAUP Culture Collection was established by B. Fott in 1961. The collection originated by merging a large number of green algal and heterokont cultures isolated by B. Fott with part of the former E.G. Pringsheim's algal culture collection. Presently, the culture collection holds 246 strains of algae and cyanobacteria, with a high proportion of authentic strains. 203 of them are now included in Image database. Since 1981, CAUP Culture Collection is a member of The World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC) under No. 486. It is also included in The Federation of Czech and Slovak Culture Collections of Microorganisms (FCCM).


CAUP culture collection represents rather a small algal collection. Nevertheles, it holds many taxonomically important strains, e.g. authentic cultures of newly described species. The leading idea of our culture collection is not to conserve a very broad range of organisms, but to serve as a platform for education and taxonomic research in our department. Plans for the near future include the digitalization of historically valuable permanent slides (mainly of diatoms) deposited in our collection, to make them available for the scientific community.

diversity origin biotope
Basic statistics of deposited strains

Features and interests:

    - Two thirds of deposited algae belong to green algal
         classes Trebouxiophyceae and Chlorophyceae.
    - Chlorella represents the most common cultured genus          (24 strains).
    - Collection holds high proportion (32.5%) of authentic          strains.
    - Chlorella vulgaris CAUP H1995, isolated in 1889,          represents the oldest maintained microalgal culture.
    - CAUP culture collection holds the first Pringsheim's          isolate: Chlorella ellipsoidea CAUP H1990

age of maintained strains


New accessions:
M 401 Monomastix sp. Te Anau, New Zealand 02-05-2024
H 7402 Coleochlamys apoda stream flowing from lake, Svalbard, Norway 02-05-2024
G 1401 Ostravamonas chlorostellata Ostrava, Czech Republic 02-05-2024
Recent taxonomic updates:
H 1104 Neglectella solitaria formerly as Oocystis solitaria 28-12-2020
H 1106 Neglectella solitaria formerly as Oocystis solitaria 28-12-2020
H 1906 Jaagichlorella luteoviridis formerly as Heterochlorella luteoviridis 28-12-2020
H 1963 Jaagichlorella luteoviridis formerly as Heterochlorella luteoviridis 28-12-2020
H 5502 Oocystidium planoconvexum formerly as Ooplanctella planoconvexa 28-12-2020
H 8501 Chloroidium laureanum formerly as Parachloroidium laureanum 28-12-2020
H 8502 Chloroidium lobatum formerly as Parachloroidium lobatum 28-12-2020
H 8503 Chloroidium lobatum formerly as Parachloroidium lobatum 28-12-2020

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Copyright © Pavel Škaloud