Phylogenetic methods - computer practicals
Parsimony    Maximum likelihood    Bayesian inference    Species tree    home

Department of Botany, Charles University, Prague (2021-2024)

Parsimony analysis

Basic comments to the Nexus format are here.

Training dataset is here. This dataset includes a total of 1,127 AFLP scoring fragments for 81 individuals from 7 species of Veronica subsect. Pentasepalae (modified matrix from the one published in Padilla-García et al. 2018).
Samples are coded as following: SpeciesCode_ColectorNo_IndivNo_PCRcode. Example: Vara_NPG18_14_D11_13 is SpeciesCode: Vara, ColectorNo: NPG18, IndivNo: 14, PCR code: D11_13.

Download and install software:
PAUP* (4a169) - program for maximum parsimony inference and other methods)
FigTree - phylogenetic tree viewer

Other software recommended to install

Tasks (to work with Veronica Pentasepalae dataset)
after you are done submit the answers using this Google Form


1. Create a parsimony-based tree using PAUP (AFLP dataset)
PAUP has the advantage of being able to analyze data using several different optimality criteria; parsimony, likelihood, and distance. As you already know, each criterion has its strengths and limitations. To begin with, you will search for trees under the parsimony criterion (the default setting in PAUP).


Tasks2 (to work with Amomum dataset, see Bayesian analysis)


1. Create a maximum parsimony tree of Amomum


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