Succulent Karoo

Nutrient-rich soils in the winter-rainfall regions with low rainfall (less than 300 mm per year) are predominantly covered in succulent plants that form a specific biome – Succulent Karoo, the most diverse semi-desert vegetation type in the world.The most prominent plant groups in terms of diversity are Aizoaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Crassulaceae, and succulent members of Asteraceae etc. Many geophytes i.e. Iridaceae, Hyacinthaceae are also very well-represented. A world-famous aspect of the biome is the spectacular spring blooming of many Asteraceae (genera Arctotis, Gazania, Gorteria, Ursinia, etc.) in Namaqualand.

Knersvlakte Succulent Karoo
Knersvlakte – world-famous hotspot of succulent diversity
Namaqualand Succulent Karoo
Namaqualand – spectacular spring bloom of various Asteraceae members (e.g. Cotula, Felicia, Gazania, Ursinia, etc.)


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GSDB (): Genome size database of the Greater Cape flora, Facilitated by Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences. Published on the Internet;, Retrieved .

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