
Habitats of completely different environmental conditions harbouring azonal vegetation are connected through the contributions of water and salt. Special soil forms are usually created and maintained under permanent influence of freshwater bodies (flowing or stagnant). Similarly, increased salt concentration forms highly stressed environments, thus markedly affecting the plant composition. Those factors lead to creation of atypical vegetation in comparison to surrounding ā€˜zonalā€™ vegetation. In fact, ā€˜azonalā€™ vegetation in a broader sense can be divided into ā€˜intrazonalā€™ i.e. vegetation that is confined to a particular type of ā€˜zonalā€™ vegetation (for example ā€˜Namaqualand Riviereā€™ that are unique for Succulent Karoo), or ā€˜azonalā€™ sensu stricto i.e. vegetation that is common in several biomes.

Water reservoir with Aponogeton distachyos.


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GSDB (): Genome size database of the Greater Cape flora, Facilitated by Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences. Published on the Internet;, Retrieved .

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