Name: Martina Pichrtová
Academic degrees: RNDr., Ph.D.
Birth:1985 in Prague
Nationality: Czech
State: single, 3 sons (2016 - Filip, 2017 - Ondřej, 2023 - Jan)
2009-2014: PhD study: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Botany
Thesis topic: Stress resistance of polar hydro-terrestrial algae Zygnema spp. (Zygnematophyceae, Streptophyta)
Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Yvonne Němcová, PhD.
Consultant: Doc. Ing. Josef Elster, CSc.
2007-2009: Master study: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Botany
Thesis topic: Shape dynamics of silica structures in synurophytes
Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Yvonne Němcová, PhD.
2004-2007: Bachelor study: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, subject field Biology
Thesis topic: The impact of environmental factors on morphological variation of silica
structures in chrysophytes (Synurophyceae)
Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Yvonne Němcová, PhD.
since 2018: assistant professor at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Botany
2016-2020 and since 2023: maternity leave
2010-2017: research assistant at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Botany
2010-2015: doctoral student position at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Botany, Třeboň
1.7. - 5.8. 2016: Research stay: University of Innsbruck, Austria
9.5. - 13.5. 2016: Research stay: Helmholz Zentrum München, Germany
2.10. - 23.12. 2015: Research stay: University of Innsbruck, Austria
31.7. - 14.8. 2015: Field research stay: Svalbard, Norway
5.3. - 12.3. 2015: Field research stay Croatia
2.5. - 31.5. 2013: Research stay: University of Innsbruck, Austria
9.4. - 15.4. 2012: Field research stay: Svalbard, Norway
14.8. - 2.9. 2011: Field research stay: Svalbard, Norway
24.2. - 1.7. 2011: Research stay: University of Innsbruck, Austria
18.6. - 17.7. 2010: Field research stay: Svalbard, Norway
22.5. - 2.6. 2010: Research stay: British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge
15. - 29.8. 2008: Field research stay: Scientific research station Abisko, Sweden
March - June 2008: Erasmus: Innsbruck, Austria
Since 2007: member of the Czech Phycological Society
Since 2015: secretary of the Czech Phycological Society
2015-2017: Czech Science Foundation project (GAČR) 15-34645L: Colonisation of land by conjugating green algae.
2013-2014: Charles University Science Foundation Grant (GAUK) 794413: Production of resting stages and desiccation resistance of the alga Zygnema
2013: AKTION Austria-Czech Republic No. 65p5: Stress resistance of selected streptophyte algae - application of various scientific approaches
2022-2024: GAČR "Desmids under the climate change - desiccation and temperature stress in mountainous peat bogs and fens" - principal investigator RNDr. Jiří Neustupa, PhD.
2018-2020: GAUK "Seasonal dynamics of the mats formed by conjugating algae of the genus Zygnema (Zygnematophyceae)" - principal investigator Mgr. Kateřina Trumhová, MP as supervisor
2011-2013: EU 7th Framework Programme "Development of an innovative, completely automated antifouling test system for professional examinations of marine coatings" - principal investigator Mgr. Pavel Škaloud, PhD.
2012-2016: GAČR "Integrated taxonomic and diversity research of subaerial epiphytic green algae in the Mediterranean ecosystems" - principal investigator RNDr. Jiří Neustupa, PhD.
2011: Higher Education Development Fund (FRVS) "Educational algal web-database of silica-scaled chrysophytes" - principal investigator Mgr. Pavel Škaloud, PhD.
2010-2012: GAČR "Diversity and evolution of the algal class Eustigmatophyceae" - principal investigator Mgr. Marek Eliáš, PhD.
2008-2010: GAČR "Ecological aspects of phenotypic plasticity in chrysophyte silica scales (Synurophyceae)" - principal investigator RNDr. Yvonne Němcová, PhD.
2007-2009: GAČR "Diversity, ecological preferences and reproductive biology of freshwater epipelic diatoms" - principal investigator Doc. RNDr. Aloisie Poulíčková, CSc.
2006-2008: GAUK "Morphology of silica structures of representatives of the class Synurophyceae in relation to environmental factors" - principal investigator Mgr. Magda Škaloudová
2015: "Dean's Prize" for the best doctoral thesis.
2015: "Česká hlava" award, category "Doctorandus" for the best doctoral thesis in natural sciences.