
The lichen collection includes ca 30,000 specimens. The oldest collection comes from W. B. Mann and P. M. Opiz from the beginning of the 19th. The lichen herbarium houses some important exsiccate collections such as Flora exciccata austro-hungarica, Flora carpathica, Lichenes exsiccati Bohemiae borealis (Flechten Nordböhmen) (all by J. Anders), Lichenes bohemoslovakiae exssicati (by J. Suza), Cryptogamae exssicatae Čechoslovenicae (by A. Hilitzer and J. Kavina), Lichens de Franche-Comté (by C. Flagey). In 2005-2012 a detailed revision of the collections, incorporation of new accessions including the whole Z. Černohorský's herbarium, and a new arrangement of depositories were performed under the supervision of D. Svoboda. List of the most important collectors: J. Anders, E. Bayer, G. Beck, Z. Černohorský, J. Halda, P. Hora, V. Kuák, V.F. Kosteletzký, J. Liška, J. Nádvorník, A. Oborny, P.M. Opiz, Z. Palice, J. Paul, J. Podpěra, J. Poelt, M. Servít, V. Skalický, J. Stuchlý, J. Suza (complete collection of the genus Cladonia), R. Traxler, J. Váňa, J. Velenovský.