Tomáš Fér, Ph.D.
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech
tel.: +420 22195 1661 (office), +420 22195 1630 (DNA laboratory)
Born: 7.6.1976, Podborany, Czech Republic
Nationality: Czech
Marital status: married
Language knowledge: English;
German (ZMP); Russian (passively)
Ph.D. (2008) - Department of Botany, Charles
University, Prague
Mgr. (MSc.) (2000) - Department of Botany, Charles
University, Prague
Bc. (BSc.) (1996) - Department of Botany, Charles
University, Prague
evolution and diversity of polyploid complexes
phylogenomics and genome size evolution in Zingiberaceae/Zingiberales
post-glacial plant migration (phylogeography)
dispersal of plants through water (hydrochory)
use of molecular methods in botany (AFLP, microsatellites, NGS, Hyb-Seq)
target enrichment data analysis and aplications
management of DNA laboratory
Education and
since 2009: head of the Division of Higher Plants
at the Department of Botany
since 2003: head of the DNA laboratory at the
Department of Botany
since 2002: Department of Botany, Charles
University, Prague (full-time job)
2000 - 2008: PhD. study at the Department of Botany,
Charles University (PhD. thesis: "Study
of plant dispersal in river corridors using molecular markers")
1996 - 2000: MSc. study in Geobotany at the
Department of Botany, Charles University (MSc. Thesis "Dispersal of
generative diaspores of selected water and littoral plant species"
1994 - 1996: BSc. study in Biology at the Faculty of
Science, Charles University (BSc. Thesis "Hydrochory of water
1990 - 1994: grammar school, Kutná Hora, Czech
1982 - 1990: elementary school, Podbořany & Kutná
Hora, Czech Republic
Botanical trips abroad:
Austria (2002), Canary Islands
(2004, 2005, 2006), China (2017), Danmark (2010), Germany (1999), India (2004),
Italy (2005), Malaysia (2011), Peru (2008), Romania (1996, 2000), Slovak
Republic (1995, 1996, 2001, 2005), South Africa (2011), Spain (2005), Sweden
(2010), Thailand (2011, 2013, 2015), Ukraine (1997), Venezuela (2007)
2024: XX International Botanical Congress (Madrid, Spain) – talk, 2
2018: 8th International Zingiberales Symposium (Singapore) – talk, 3
2017: XIX International Botanical Congress (Shenzhen, China) – talk, 1
2015: 7th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae (Chiang
Mai, Thailand) – talk, 2 posters
2013: Biogeography of the Carpathians: Evolution of Biodiversity in a
Spatiotemporal Context (Krakow) – talk, poster
2013: BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics! (Vienna, Austria) – talk, 3
2012: 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae (Calicut,
India) – 2 posters
2012: International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridization, and Biodiversity
(Průhonice near Prague, Czech Republic) – 3 poster
2012: 15. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinen und Botaniker (Innsbruck,
Austria) – poster
2011: BioSystematics 2011(Berlin, Germany) – 2 posters
2008: 10th Symposium of the International Organization of Plant
Biosystematists (Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia) – poster
2008: PopBio2008. Plant Population Biology for the coming decade. 21th Annual
Meeting Plant Population Biology Section (Gesellschaft für Ökologie)
(Luxembourg) – poster
2006: 4th International Symposium on the Family Zingiberaceae (Singapore)
– poster
2006: PopBio2006. 19th Annual Meeting Plant Population Biology Section
(Gesellschaft für Ökologie) (Halle, Germany) – 2 posters
2006: International Symposium on Aquatic Vascular Plants: 25 Years After
(Brussels, Belgium) – talk
2005: International Botanical Congress (Vienna, Austria) – 2 posters
2004: Eco-complexity and dynamics of the cultural landscape. Gesellschaft
für Ökologie, 34th Annual conference (Giessen, Germany) – talk
2003: POP2003. Allocation, Plasticity and Allometry. 16th Annual Meeting
Plant Population Biology Section (Gesellschaft für Ökologie) (Copenhagen,
Denmark) – talk
2003: Restoration of river valleys (Kiel, Germany) – talk, poster
2002: 10. Österreichische Botanikertreffen (Gumpenstein, Austria) –
2002: Metapopulation Dynamics and Landscape Fragmentation (Pruhonice,
Czech Republic) – poster + co-organisation of the conference (excursions)
Stays abroad:
2016: National Museum of Natural History,
Smithsonian Institution (Washington DC, USA) – 4 months (Smithsonian
2002, 2003, 2005: Department of
Evolution and systematics of higher plants, University of Vienna (Austria) – 4,
1, 2, and 1 months, respectively (AKTION)
1999: Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut für
Pflanzenwissenschaften der Georg-August-Universität (Göttingen, Germany) – 5
months (ERASMUS)
since 2023: Clonal plants (2 lessons within the
course) (MB120P180)
since 2022: Target enrichment for
plant systematics - methodological workshop (MB120C117)
since 2017: Biosystematics I (1 lesson within the
course) (MB120P167)
since 2017: Phylogenetic
methods (2 lessons within the course) (MB120P83)
since 2010: Introduction to study of plant
evolution and diversity (2 lessons within the course) (MB120P153)
since 2009: Diploma thesis seminar (vascular
plants) I, II (MB120S01, MB120S02)
since 2003: Use of molecular
markers in plant systematics and population biology (MB120P44)
since 2004: Current research in botany and
ecology (1 lesson within the course) (MB120P99)
since 2013: Advanced methods in DNA
sequence and multilocus data analyses (MB120P143)
since 2008: Phylogenetic
methods (MB120P83) - practical part
since 2006: Molecular
markers in systematics and plant population biology II (MB120C45)
since 2004: Molecular markers in systematics and
plant population biology (MB120C44)
Thesis supervising:
Rejzková E. (2003-2004): Demography of species with
Alpine-Carpathian distribution.
Zeisek V. (2006-2007): Phylogeography and dispersal of
water clonal plants.
Záveská E. (2006-2007): Study of evolution in Indian Curcuma
Kučabová V. (2007-2008): Optimalization of DNA
extraction from plant material for subsequent PCR analyses.
Fuxová G. (2007-2008):
Microsatellite markers and the study of plant dispersal in rivers.
H. (2009-2010): Hybridisation dynamics of Typha latifolia and T. angustifolia
- differences between Europe and North America.
M. (2009-2010): Genome size evolution in the Zingiberaceae.
K. (2011-2012): Biogeography of gingers from the subfamily Alpinioideae.
J. (2012-2013): Dispersal of clonal aquatic plants.
A. (2012-2013): Biogeography of pantropical plant family Costaceae.
A. (2012-2014): Long-distance plant dispersal in rivers.
J. (2013-2015): Hybridization of crab apple with domestic apple trees.
J. (2013-2015): Application of NGS methods for phylogenetic reconstruction of polyploid complexes in plants.
L. (2013-2015): Evolution of birches from Betula
pendula and B. pubescens group: morphological
and molecular reappraisal.
E. (2004-2006): Postglacial history of Carex
pilosa populations with regard to their demography.
V. (2007-2009): Phylogeography and dispersal of Nuphar lutea.
E. (2007-2009): Evolution of Indian Curcuma.
S. (2007-2009): Evaluation of variability within Sparganium erectum using morphometrics, AFLP and flow cytometry.
G. (2007-2011): Impact of river system structure on the genetic diversity of
reed populations.
M. (2010-2012): Genome size evolution in the genus Globba (Zingiberaceae).
H. (2010-2013): Hybridization of cattails Typha
latifolia and T. angustifolia.
K. (2012-2014): Evolution of Elettariopsis
A. (2013-2016): Genome size evolution in Costaceae.
J. (2013-2016): Ecological consequences of polyploidization in populations of
the wetland plant Butomus umbellatus.
J. (2015-2017): Application of Hyb-Seq method for reconstruction of reticulate
infrageneric phylogeny: example from polyploid genus Curcuma L. (Zingiberaceae).
E. (2009-2014): Phylogenetic studies in the polyploidy genus Curcuma L.
S. (2009-2018): Homoploid hybrid speciation in closely related taxa of wetland
K. (2014-2024): Phylogenomics, genome size evolution and repeat dynamics in the
genus Amomum Roxb. (Zingiberaceae).
H. (2009-): Role of hybridization and clonal reproduction in populations of
wetland plant species.
Khadka (2021-): Genome size evolution and biogeography of Curcuma (Zingiberaceae).
Prach (2021-): Origin and long-term survival of Central European populations of
larch (Larix decidua): combining
phylogeography, paleoecology and niche modeling approaches.
2013-2014: Across- and within
ploidy hybridisation of rare Czech and Austrian endemics of Knautia (Dipsacaceae)
2011: Plant molecular biology and cytogenetic lab, High Schools
Promotion Fund of the Czech Republic (FRVŠ A)
2010: Transformation of practical course of molecular markers to
the project course (FRVŠ F4a)
2009: Teaching innovation at life science faculties of the Czech
high schools-workshop of modern phylogeographical methods, High Schools
Promotion Fund of the Czech Republic (FRVŠ F4c)
2006: Practical teaching of DNA sequencing, AFLP and
microsatellites in plants, High Schools Promotion Fund of the Czech Republic
(FRVŠ F4a)
2003-2005: Identification of migration ways of riverside plants using molecular
markers, Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences (GAAV)
2024-2026: Genetic variation of widespread forbs in the Czech Republic as a
baseline for development of regional sowing mixtures and sustainable
maintenance of species diversity (TAČR, co-PI, principal investigator T.
2021-2024: The potential how to employ European larch in the Czech forests under
GCC (NAZV, principal investigator P. Bednář)
2009-2012: Evolution of genome size and origin of polyploidy in the
economically important family Zingiberaceae (GAČR, principal investigator O.
Member of the team:
2020-2022: Tropical-alpine plant radiations: an intercontinental comparison of
timing and the role of allopatry, hybridization and niche differentiation (GAČR,
principal investigator R. Schmickl)
2018-2020: Solving an evolutionary puzzle – the rosaceous subtribe Malinae (Austrian
Science Fund, principal investigator Ch. Dobeš & M. van Loo)
2014-2016: Evolution,
diversification and biogeography of polyploidy Zingiberaceae: synergy of
phylogenomics, cytogenomics, geological and climate history (GAČR, principal
investigator K. Marhold)
2014-2016: Geographical
parthenogenesis: evolutionary and ecological significance of apomictic
reproduction in vascular plants (GAČR, principal investigator P. Mráz)
2011-2013: Parallel evolution or
migration in the genus Bolboschoenus
(Cyperaceae) at a worldwide scale? (GAUK, principal investigator S. Píšová)
2011-2013: Evolutionary trends in
the genus Cleistocactus (Cactaceae)
(GAUK, principal investigator A. Procházková)
2010-2013: Polyploid evolution in
the Cape flora: insights from the key geophytic genus (GAČR, principal
investigator J. Suda)
2010-2013: Immigrated vs. in situ
created diversity in postglacial areas: A story of the polyploid complex Galium pumilum agg. (GAČR, principal
investigator J. Suda)
2010-2013: Evolution of polyploidy
in economically important tropical Zingiberaceous genus Curcuma: insight from the genome size and molecular data analysis
(GAČR, principal investigator K. Marhold)
2008-2010: Microspeciation
processes and migration history of Melampyrum
subalpinum group (GAAV, principal investigator M. Štech)
2008-2009: Study of evolution in Indian Curcuma
L. by using molecular method AFLP (GAUK, principal investigator E. Záveská)
2007-2010: Phylogeny of the genus Lasiocephalus (Asteraceae) -
colonisation history of equatorial páramos (GAČR, principal investigator P.
2007-2009: Phylogeography of
selected species of the genus Lasiocephalus
(Asteraceae) in the equatorial Andes (GAAV, principal investigator E. Rejzková)
2006-2008: Evolutionary dynamics of
diploid-polyploid angiosperm alliances (GAČR, principal investigator J. Suda)
2006-2008: Evolutionary history of
relict serpentine populations of Knautia
arvensis s.l. (Dipsacaceae) in Central Europe (GAAV, principal investigator
J. Suda)
2004-2006: Postgacial migrations
from the Alps and Carpathians into the Czech Republic - Phylogeography of
selected plant species (GAČR, principal investigator K. Marhold)
2004-2006: Evolutionarily
conservative and non-conservative elements of plant life history (GAČR,
principal investigator T. Herben)
2004-2006: Phylogeny and
phylogeography of Indian Curcuma – a
basal species-group of biologically diversified and economically very important
genus (GAAV, principal investigator O. Šída)
2004: Methods of DNA approaches to ecology and systematics of
plants. Introduction of practical teaching. (FRVŠ F4a, principal investigator
K. Marhold)
2001-2003: Metapopulation processes
in populations with different modes of long dispersal, Grant Agency of the
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (principal investigator T. Herben)
(# student under my supervision)
(* equal contribution)
Submitted papers:
Píšová S, Ufimov R, Breuer M, Jargal S, Lee LSF, Zöchner A, Irusta P, Grooß EM, Fér T,
Schmickl R & van Loo M. Wide diversity in narrow geographical space:
genetic, morphological and ploidy variation of Central European Crataegi with
emphasis on their reproductive modes. (submitted)
Gorospe JM*, Fér T*, Rurik I*, Vďačný P, Kučera
J, Dönmez AA, Yüzbaşıoğlu IS, Aydın ZU, Lučanová M, Schmickl RE*
& Slovák M*. The role of historical introgression in shaping diploid plant
diversity in Picris (Compositae) from
the Mediterranean Basin. (submitted)
Kress WJ, Fér T, Carlsen M & Krupnick G. A conservation assessment and phylogenomic
evaluation of protection status in the tropical genus Heliconia L. (Zingiberales: Heliconiaceae). Plants, People, Planet (submitted)
Ufimov R, Píšová S, Fér T, Dobeš C, van Loo M & Schmickl R: Comparing apples and pears: new insights
into the evolution and biogeography of the Rosaceae tribe Maleae. (submitted)
Salomón L, Gorospe JM, Fér T, Kolář F, Sklenář
P & Schmickl R: So young, so rich: habitat shifts combined with trait
evolution promoted species radiation in Senecio
in the Andes. (submitted)
Fér T & Pfosser M: Tracing plant dispersal
in river systems: AFLP analysis of Sparganium
erectum L. (submitted)
Fér T & Hroudová Z: Low genetic diversity
in the clonal autogamous plant Typha
latifolia within a small river system: insufficient microsatellite marker
resolution. (submitted)
Papers in international journals:
Kress WJ, Fér T, Carlsen MM (2025): Phylogenomics and a new classification
of the tropical genus Heliconia L.
(Monocots, Zingiberales, Heliconiaceae). PhytoKeys,
251, 37-66.
Poulsen AD, Fér T, Kumarage Marasinghe LD,
Sabu M, Hughes M, Valderrama E & Leong-Škorničková J
(2024): The cardamom conundrum resolved: recircumscription and placement of Elettaria in the only pantropically
distributed ginger lineage. Taxon, 73,
Hlavatá K#, Záveská E,
Leong-Škorničková J, Pouch M, Poulsen AD, Šída O, Khadka B, Mandáková T & Fér T (2024): Ancient hybridization and repetitive
element proliferation in the evolutionary history of the monocot genus Amomum (Zingiberaceae). Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, 1324358.
Záveská E, Šída O, Leong-Škorničková J, Chumová
Z, Trávníček P, Newman M, Poulsen A, Böhmová A, Chudáčková H & Fér T (2024): Testing the large genome constraint
hypothesis in tropical rhizomatous herbs: life strategies, plant traits and
habitat preferences in gingers. The Plant
Journal, 117, 1223-1238.
Prach M#, Bednář P & Fér T (2023): Is European larch in the Nízký Jeseník Mts.
really of the Jeseníky type? A perspective of molecular methods. Zprávy
lesnického výzkumu, 68, 206-216.
Skopalíková J#, Leong-Škorničková
J, Šída O, Newman M, Chumová Z & Fér T*, Záveská E* (2023): Ancient
hybridization in Curcuma
(Zingiberaceae) – Accelerator or brake in lineage diversifications? The Plant Journal, 116, 773-785.
Böhmová A#, Leong-Škorničková J,
Šída O, Poulsen AD, Newman MF & Fér T (2023): Next-generation sequencing
data show rapid radiation and several long-distance dispersal events in early
Costaceae. Molecular Phylogenetics and
Evolution, 179, 107664.
Hlavatá K#, Leong-Škorničková J,
Záveská E, Šída O, Newman M, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Marhold K & Fér T (2023):
Phylogenomics and genome size evolution in Amomum
s. s. (Zingiberaceae): comparison of traditional and modern sequencing methods.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,
178, 107666.
Ufimov R, Gorospe JM, Fér T, Kandziora M, Salomon
L, van Loo M & Schmickl R (2022): Utilizing paralogs
for phylogenetic reconstruction has the potential to increase species tree
support and reduce gene tree discordance in target enrichment data. Molecular Ecology Resources, 22, 3018-3034.
Sangvirotjanapat S, Fér T, Denduangboripant J
& Newman MF (2022): Phylogeny of Globba
section Nudae and taxonomic revision
of the new Globba subsection Pelecantherae. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 308, 5
Ufimov R, Zeisek V, Píšová S, Baker WJ, Fér T,
van Loo M, Dobeš Ch & Schmickl R (2021): Relative performance of customized
and universal probe sets in target enrichment: a case study in subtribe Malinae
(Rosaceae). Applications in Plant
Sciences, 9(7), e11442
Tan S, Hollands R, Pavlíková M, Fér T &
Newman M (2020): A revision of Gagnepainia and Hemiorchis
(Globbeae: Zingiberaceae). Edinburgh
Journal of Botany, 77, 455-490
Píšová S# & Fér T (2020): Intraspecific differentiation of Sparganium erectum in the Czech
Republic: molecular, genome size and morphometric analysis. Preslia, 92, 137-165
Paule J, Schmickl R, Fér T, Matuszak-Renger S,
Halbritter H & Zizka G (2020): Phylogenomic
insights into the Fascicularia-Ochagavia group (Bromelioideae,
Bromeliaceae). Botanical Journal of the
Linnean Society, 192, 642-655
Kuneš I, Linda R, Fér T, Karlík P, Baláš M,
Ešnerová J, Vítámvás J, Bílý J & Urfus T (2019): Is Betula carpatica genetically
distinctive? A morphometric, cytometric and molecular study of birches in the
Bohemian Massif with a focus on Carpathian birch. PLoS ONE, 14(10), e0224387
Jones KE, Fér T, Schmickl RE, Dikow RB, Funk
VA, Herrando-Moraira S, Siniscalchi CM, Susanna A, Slovák M, Thapa R, Watson LE
& Mandel JR (2019): An empirical assessment
of a single family-wide hybrid capture locus set at multiple evolutionary
timescales in Asteraceae. Applications in
Plant Sciences, 7(10), e11295
Carlsen M*, Fér T*, Schmickl R,
Leong-Škorničková J, Newman M, Kress JW (2018): Resolving the rapid plant
radiation of early diverging lineages in the tropical Zingiberales: Pushing the
limits of genomic data. Molecular
Phylogenetics and Evolution, 128, 55-68
de Boer H, Newman M, Poulsen AD, Droop AJ, Fér
T, Hien L, Hlavatá K, Lamxay V, Richardson JE, Steffen K & Leong-Škorničková J (2018): Convergent morphology in
Alpinieae (Zingiberaceae): Recircumscribing Amomum
as a monophyletic genus. Taxon, 67, 6-36
Fér T & Schmickl R (2018): HybPhyloMaker: target
enrichment data analysis from raw reads to species trees. Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 14, 1176934317742613. doi: 10.1177/1176934317742613
Dušková E, Sklenář P, Kolář F, Vásquez DLA, Romoleroux
K, Fér T & Marhold K (2017): Growth-form
evolution and hybridization in Senecio
(Asteraceae) from the high equatorial Andes. Ecology and Evolution, 7, 6455-6468
Píšová S#, Hroudová Z, Chumová Z
& Fér T (2017): Ecological hybrid speciation in Central
European Bolboschoenus species:
genetic and morphological evaluation. Preslia,
89, 17-39
Záveská E#, Fér T, Šída O, Marhold
K & Leong-Škorničková J (2016): Hybridization among distantly related
species: examples from the polyploid genus Curcuma
(Zingiberaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics
and Evolution, 100, 303-321
Pánek M, Fér T, Mráček J & Tomšovský M (2016): Evolutionary relationships within
the Phytophthora cactorum species
complex in Europe. Fungal Biology,
120, 836-851
Daneck H#, Fér T & Marhold K (2016):
Glacial survival in northern refugia? Phylogeography of the temperate shrub Rosa pendulina (Rosaceae): AFLP vs.
cpDNA variation. Biological Journal of
the Linnean Society, 119, 704-718
Kolář F, Píšová S, Záveská E., Fér T, Weiser M,
Ehrendorfer F & Suda J (2015): The origin of unique diversity in
deglaciated areas: traces of Pleistocene processes in north-European endemics
from the Galium pusillum polyploid
complex (Rubiaceae). Molecular Ecology,
24, 1311-1334
Herben T, Rydlová V, Fér T, Suda J, Kyncl T,
Münzbergová Z, Wildová R & Wild J (2014): Phylogenetic signal in growth and
reproductive traits and in their plasticity: Descurainia radiation in
the Canary Islands. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 174, 384-398
Kolář F, Lučanová M,
Vít P, Urfus T, Chrtek J, Fér T, Ehrendorfer F, Suda J (2013): Diversity and
endemism in deglaciated areas: ploidy, relative genome size and niche
differentiation in the Galium pusillum complex (Rubiaceae) in Northern
and Central Europe. Annals of Botany, 111, 1095-1108
Záveská E#, Fér T, Šída O, Krak K, Marhold K &
Leong-Škorničková J (2012): Phylogeny of Curcuma (Zingiberaceae) based
on plastid and nuclear sequences: Proposal of the new subgenus Ecomata. Taxon,
61, 747-763
Ekrtová E, Štech M & Fér T (2012): Pattern of genetic
differentiation in Gentiana pannonica Scop.: did subalpine plants
survive glacial events at low altitudes in Central Europe? Plant Systematics
and Evolution, 298, 1383-1397
Kolář F, Fér T, Štech M, Trávníček P, Dušková
E & Suda J
(2012): Bringing together evolution on serpentine and polyploidy:
spatiotemporal history of the diploid-tetraploid complex of Knautia arvensis
(Dipsacaceae). PLoS ONE, 7, e39988
Mikulášková E, Fér T
& Kučabová V# (2012): The effect of different DNA
isolation protocols and AFLP fingerprinting optimizations on error rate
estimates in the bryophyte Campylopus introflexus. Lindbergia,
35, 7-17
Záveská E#, Fér T, Šída O,
Leong-Škorničková J, Sabu M & Marhold K (2011): Genetic diversity patterns
in Curcuma correlate with the genome size differences. Botanical
Journal of the Linnean Society, 165, 388-401
Daneck H#, Abraham V, Fér T & Marhold K (2011): Phylogeography of Lonicera
nigra in Central Europe inferred from molecular and pollen evidence. Preslia,
83, 243-263
Snow AA, Travis SE, Wildová R, Fér T, Sweeney
PM, Marburger JE, Windels S, Kubátová B & Goldberg DE (2010):
Species-specific SSR markers for studies of hybrid cattails (Typha latifolia
× T. angustifolia, Typhaceae) in North America. American
Journal of Botany, 97, 2061-2067
Dvořáková H#, Fér T & Marhold K
(2010): Phylogeographic pattern of the European forest grass species Hordelymus
europaeus: cpDNA evidence. Flora, 205, 418-423
Dušková E, Kolář F, Sklenář P, Kubešová M,
Rauchová J, Fér T, Suda J & Marhold K (2010): Genome size correlates with
growth forms, habitat and phylogeny in the Andean genus Lasiocephalus
(Asteraceae). Preslia, 82, 127-148
Hofhanzlová E & Fér T (2009): Genetic
variation and reproduction strategy of Gentiana pannonica in different
habitats. Flora, 204, 99-110.
Fér T & Hroudová Z (2009): Genetic diversity and
dispersal of Phragmites australis in a small river system. Aquatic
Botany, 90, 165-171
Rejzková E#, Fér T, Vojta J & Marhold K (2008): Phylogeography of the forest
herb Carex pilosa (Cyperaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean
Society, 158, 115-130
Fér T & Hroudová Z (2008): Detecting dispersal of Nuphar
lutea in river corridors using microsatellite markers. Freshwater
Biology, 53, 1409-1422
Fér T, Vašák P#, Vojta J &
Marhold K (2007): Out of the Alps or Carpathians? Origin of Central European
populations of Rosa pendulina. Preslia,
79, 367-376
Leong-Škorničková J, Šída O, Jarolímová V,
Sabu M, Fér T, Trávníček P & Suda J (2007): Chromosome numbers and genome
size variation in Indian species of Curcuma L. (Zingiberaceae). Annals
of Botany, 100, 505-526
Stuessy TF, Jakubowsky G, Salguero GR, Pfosser
M, Schlüter PM, Fer T, Sun BY & Kato H (2006): Anagenetic evolution in
island plants. Journal of Biogeography, 33, 1259-1265
M, Jakubowsky G, Schlüter PM, Fer T, Kato H, Stuessy TF & Sun BY (2005):
Evolution of Dystaenia takesimana (Apiaceae), endemic to Ullung Island,
Korea. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 256,
Papers in national journals (in Czech):
Prach J, Pokorný P,
Prach M, Hošková K, Fér T & Bednář
P (2024): The larch is more native than we thought.
How to manage it in protected areas? Ochrana
přírody 4/2024: 37-41
Fér T,
Prach M & Smyčka J
(2021): The origin of Europaean larch in the Czech
Republic from the view of molecular methods. Lesnická
práce 7: 29-31
Píšová S
& Fér T (2017): Intraspecific variability and crossbreeding of the branched
bur-reed. Živa 3/2017: 108-111
Píšová S,
Hroudová Z, Fér T, Ducháček M & Zákravský P (2015): Do we
know our Bolboschoenus species? Morphological, ecological and genetic
variation. Živa 4/2015: 165-168
Fér T
(2013): Plant dispersal in rivers – DNA Study. Živa 1/2013: 10-13
Fér T
& Marhold K (2012): Phylogeography of Central European plants. Živa 4/2012: 158-161
Fér T
(2011): Dominant (binary) molecular markers and their use
in population and systematic biology. Zprávy
České botanické společnosti, Praha, Materiály, 25, 61-78
Fér T,
Hroudová Z & Pfosser M (2007): Molecular approaches in the study of plant
dispersal in river corridors. Zprávy
České botanické společnosti, Praha, Materiály, 22, 67-84
in monograph:
Fér T. (2015): Phytogeography and phylogeography. In:
Gojdičová E, Mártonfi P, Mártonfiová L & Fér T:
Botany – Vascular Plants, pp. 150-165. Institute of the High Mountain Biology,
University of Žilina, Slovakia.
Abstracts and posters:
Paule J, Schmickl R, Fér T, Renger S, Halbritter
H & Zizka G (2019): Phylogenomic
insights into the Fascicularia-Ochagavia group (Bromelioideae,
Bromeliaceae). 61st Phylogenetic Symposium: Reticulate Evolution, 22 – 24
November 2019. Göttingen,
Germany [poster]
Hartmann M, Chrtek J, Fér T, Choler P, Taberlet P, Mráz P (2019): When triploids take over: phylogeography
of geographical parthenogenesis in Hieracium
alpinum. International Conference on Polyploidy, 11 – 14 June 2019. Ghent,
Belgium. [talk]
Fér T, Šída O, Záveská E, Newman MF,
Leong-Škorničková J (2018): Genome size Evolution in the Zingiberaceae. 8th
International Zingiberales Symposium, 23 – 27 July 2018. Singapore, p. 31 [talk]
Hlavatá K, Fér T, Leong-Škorničková J, Záveská
E, Šída O, Newman MF, Mandáková T (2018): Genome size Evolution in Amomum s.s. 8th
International Zingiberales Symposium, 23 – 27 July 2018. Singapore, p. 33 [talk]
Fér T, Schmickl R, Kress WJ, Carlsen M,
Pavlíková M, Flašková L, Newman MF, Leong-Škorničková J (2018): Hybridization-based
target enrichment as a tool for phylogenetic analyses at different evolutionary
levels: Zingiberales, Zingiberaceae and the genus Curcuma. 8th International Zingiberales Symposium, 23 – 27 July
2018. Singapore, p. 68 [poster]
Skopalíková J, Leong-Škorničková J, Záveská E, Fér T (2018):
Hybridization in the genus Curcuma as detected by next-generation sequencing.
8th International Zingiberales Symposium, 23 – 27 July 2018. Singapore, p. 69 [poster]
Fér T, Schmickl R, Kress WJ,
Carlsen M, Pospíšilová M, Flašková
L, Leong-Škorničková
J (2017): Phylogenetic analyses
at different evolutionary levels using hybridization-based target enrichment.
XIX International Botanical Congress, 23 – 29 July 2017. Shenzhen, China. [talk]
Carlsen M, Fér T, Schmickl R, Leong-Škorničková
J, Newman MF, Kress WJ (2017): The evolutionary history of the Zingiberales:
The final word on a charismatic lineage of tropical plants using targeted gene enrichment.
XIX International Botanical Congress,
23 – 29 July 2017. Shenzhen, China. [talk]
Fér T, Schmickl R, Záveská E, Pospíšilová
M, Leong-Škorničková J, Šída O, Poulsen AD, Newman MF, Carlsen M, Kress WJ
(2017): Admission to ginger paradise: phylogenomics of the family Zingiberaceae
using Hyb-Seq approach. XIX
International Botanical Congress, 23 – 29 July 2017. Shenzhen, China. [poster]
Záveská E, Mandáková T, Fér T, Šída O, Marhold
K, Leong-Škorničková J (2015): Insight into enigmatic evolutionary history of Siliquamomum (Zingiberaceae: Alpinioideae)
using multigene phylogeny approach and cytogenetics. 7th International Symposium
on the family Zingiberaceae, 17 – 20 August 2015. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Pospíšilová M, Fér T, Mandáková T, Záveská E, Šída
O, Suksathan P, Saengwirotphan S, Newman M (2015): Phylogeny, genome size
evolution and chromosome counts in the genus Globba (Zingiberaceae). 7th International Symposium on the family
Zingiberaceae, 17 – 20 August 2015. Chiang Mai, Thailand. [poster]
Štech M, Chlumský J, Drahník P, Fér T,
Herbstová M, Koutecký P, Košnar J, Trávníček P, Suda J. (2013): The Carpathians
– a contact zone of different genetic lineages of Melampyrum nemorosum group. Biogeography of the Carpathians:
Evolution of Biodiversity in a Spatiotemporal Context, 26 – 28 September 2013,
Krakow, Poland. [poster]
Píšová S, Fér T, Hroudová Z (2013): Genetic variation
and hybridization in the genus Bolboschoenus
in Central Europe. BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics!, 18 – 22 February 2013, Vienna,
Austria. [poster]
Záveská E, Fér T, Šída O, Marhold K, Leong-Škorničková
J (2013): Underestanding the reticulate evolution of polyploid
genus Curcuma: controversial signals
from nuclear low-copy genes. BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics!, 18 – 22 February
2013, Vienna, Austria. [poster]
Kolář F, Lučanová M, Píšová S, Fér T, Vít P,
Urfus T (2013): High diversity and endemism of Galium pusillum polyploid complex in deglaciated Northern Europe. BioSyst.EU
2013 Global systematics!, 18 – 22 February 2013, Vienna, Austria. [poster]
Fér T, Záveská E, Marhold K, Šída O, Leong-Škorničková
J (2012): Anther evolution in the genus Curcuma:
Insights from geometric morphometrics. 6th International Symposium on the
family Zingiberaceae, 10 – 13 September 2012, Calicut, India. [poster]
Záveská E, Fér T, Marhold K, Šída O,
Leong-Škorničková J (2012): Are nDNA and cpDNA genes helpful in underestanding intrageneric
relationships in Curcuma? 6th International Symposium on the family
Zingiberaceae, 10 – 13 September 2012, Calicut, India. [poster]
Píšová S, Fér T, Hroudová Z (2012): Genetic
variation and hybridization within the genus Bolboschoenus in Central Europe. International Conference on
Polyploidy, Hybridization, and Biodiversity, 7 – 10 May 2012, Průhonice near
Prague, Czech Republic. [poster]
Pospíšilová M, Fér T (2012): Genome size
evolution in tropical genus Globba
(Zingiberaceae). International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridization, and
Biodiversity, 7 – 10 May 2012, Průhonice near Prague, Czech Republic. [poster]
Fér T, Píšová S (2012): Speciation and
hybridization within branched bur-reed (Sparganium
erectum L.): subspecific concept based on AFLP, morphometrics and genome
size. International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridization, and Biodiversity,
7 – 10 May 2012, Průhonice near Prague, Czech Republic. [poster]
Fér T, Daneck H, Abraham V, Marhold K (2011): Glacial
survival of temperate shrubs in Central Europe? Phylogeography of Lonicera nigra and Rosa pendulina. BioSystematics 21 – 27 February 2011, Berlin,
Germany. [poster]
Píšová S, Fér T (2011): Evaluation of
variability within Sparganium erectum
L. using morphometrics, AFLP and flow cytometry. BioSystematics 21 – 27
February 2011, Berlin, Germany. [poster]
Záveská E, Fér T, Marhold K, Šída O,
Leong-Škorničková J (2010): Do the anther appendages matter in Curcuma evolution? Insights from
geometric morphometrics & molecular markers. 8th International Flora
Malesiana Symposium, 23 – 27 August 2010, Singapore. [poster]
Záveská E., Fér T., Marhold K., Šída O., Sabu
M., Leong-Škorničková J. (2009): Phylogenetic studies in Indian polyploid Curcuma
species using AFLP´s and ITS sequencing. 5th International
Symposium on the Family Zingiberaceae, 6 – 9 July 2009, Xishuangbanna Tropical
Botanical Garden, China. [poster]
Záveská E. Fér T., Marhold K., Šída O., Sabu
M., Leong-Škorničková J. (2009): Phylogenetic studies in Indian polyploid Curcuma
species using AFLP marker. International Conference on Polyploidy,
Hybridization and Biodiversity, 17 – 20 May 2009, Saint Malo, France, p. 167
Rejzková E., Kolář F., Sklenář P., Rauchová
J., Suda J., Fér T., Marhold K. (2009): Polyploid evolution and hybridization
in the Andean genus Lasiocephalus (Asteraceae) - insights from genome
size data. International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridization and
Biodiversity, 17 – 20 May 2009, Saint Malo, France, p. 183 [poster]
Rejzková E., Fér T., Sklenář P., Suda J.,
Marhold K. (2008) Phylogeny of the genus Lasiocephalus (Asteraceae) –
colonization of the equatorial páramo. 10th Symposium of the
International Organization of Plant
Biosystematists, 2 – 4 July 2008, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia, p. 94 [poster]
Zeisek V., Fér T. (2008): Genetic structure of
Nuphar lutea populations in the Czech Republic. 21st Annual
Conference of the Plant Population Biology Section of the Ecological Society of
Germany, Switzerland and Austria (GfÖ), 1 – 3 May 2008, Luxembourg, p. 104
Dvořáková H., Fér T., Marhold K. (2007):
Postglacial history of selected plant species with a view to the presumed
suture zone in Central Europe. 20th Annual Conference of the Plant
Population Biology Section of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland
and Austria (GfÖ), 17 – 19 May 2007, Basel, Switzerland.
Šída O., Škorničková J., Fér T., Jarolímová
V., Marhold K., Sabu M. (2006): Polyploidy in Curcuma: key to evolution
in the genus? 4th International Symposium on the Family Zingiberaceae, 3
– 6 July 2006, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Singapore. [poster]
Dvořáková H., Marhold K., Fér T. (2006): Investigation
of suture zone in Central Europe – Postglacial migration from Alps and
Carpathians on the example of Hordelymus europaeus. Plant Population
Biology. 19th Annual Conference of the Section Plant Population
Biology of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria, 24 – 27
May 2006, Halle/Saale, Germany, p. 67 [poster]
Fér T. (2006): Patterns of plant dispersal in
river systems. In: Plant Population Biology. 19th Annual Conference
of the Section Plant Population Biology of the Ecological Society of Germany,
Switzerland and Austria, 24 – 27 May 2006, Halle/Saale, Germany, p. 69 [poster]
Fér T.
(2006): Molecular markers as a tool for identification plant dispersal in river
corridors. In: International Symposium on Aquatic Vascular Plants: 25 Years
After, Brussels, 11-13th January 2006, p. 14 [oral presentation]
Fér T. & Pfosser M. (2005): Molecular
markers as a tool for identification plant dispersal in river corridors: An
example of Sparganium erectum. In: XVII International Botanical Congress
– Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, 17-23 July 2005, p. 497 [poster]
Škorničková J., Šída O., Fér T., Sabu M. &
Marhold K. (2005): Taxonomic studies in Indian Curcuma L.: what causes
such confusion in the genus? In: XVII International Botanical Congress – Abstracts,
Vienna, Austria, 17-23 July 2005, p. 395 [poster]
Fér T. & Pfosser M. (2004): Molecular
markers as a tool for identification plant dispersal in river corridors: An
example of Sparganium erectum. In: Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für
Ökologie, Band 34, Eco-complexity and dynamics of the cultural landscape,
13-17th September 2004 in Giessen, Germany, p. 237 [oral presentation]
Fér T. & Pfosser M.
(2003): Using molecular markers to distinguish between vegetative and
generative long-distance dispersal in river plants. In: POP2003. Allocation,
Plasticity and Allometry. 16th Annual Meeting Plant Population
Biology Section. 28 May – 1 June 2003 Copenhagen, p. 28. [oral presentation]
Fér T. & Hroudová Z.
(2003): Seed buoyancy as a factor influencing plant distribution in the river
systém. In: Restoration of river valleys. Annual meeting of the working group
for restoration ecology of the GFÖ, 24 –26 April 2003, Kiel, Germany,
Ökologie-Zentrum, Fachabteilung Geobotanik, Universität Kiel, p.16. [poster]
Fér T. & Pfosser M.
(2003): Identification of plant dispersal in river corridors using molecular
markers: An example of Sparganium erectum and Iris pseudacorus.
In: Restoration of river valleys. Annual meeting of the working group for
restoration ecology of the GfÖ, 24 - 26 April 2003, Kiel, Germany,
Ökologie-Zentrum, Fachabteilung Geobotanik, Universität Kiel, p.17. [oral
Fér T., Pfosser M., Weiss H.,
Sun B-Y. & Stuessy T. (2002): The evolution of endemic species Dystaenia
takesimana (Apiaceae) in Ullung Island, Korea. In: Bericht über das 10.
Österreichische Botanikertreffen, 30.5.-1.6.2002 (Gumpenstein, Österreich). BAL
Gumpenstein, Irdning, p. 93. [oral presentation]
Fér T. & Pfosser M.
(2002): Genetic diversity of Sparganium erectum L. populations in river
systems. In:
Bericht über das 10. Österreichische Botanikertreffen, 30.5.-1.6.2002
(Gumpenstein, Österreich). BAL Gumpenstein, Irdning, p.157. [poster]
Fér T. (2002): Genetic diversity of Sparganium
erectum L. populations in river systems. In: Metapopulation Dynamics and
Landscape Fragmentation. 15th
annual meeting of the Section Plant Population Biology of the Society for
Ecology of Germany, Switzerland and Austria, 9 – 12 May 2002, Průhonice, Czech
Republic, p. 15 [poster]
Fér T (2008): Study of plant
dispersal in river corridors using molecular markers. 120 pp., ms. (PhD.
thesis), Depon. in: Library of the Dept. of Botany, Charles University, Prague.
Fér T (2000): Dispersal of
generative diaspores of selected water and littoral plant species. 85 pp., ms.
(MSc. thesis), Depon. in: Library of the Dept. of Botany, Charles University,
Prague. [in Czech]
Fér T (1997): Hydrochory of
water plants. 15 pp., ms. (BSc. thesis), Depon. in: Library of the Dept. of
Botany, Charles University, Prague. [in Czech]
Fér T & Schmickl R (2016-2025):
HybPhyloMaker: target enrichment data analysis from raw reads to species trees.
Citations (Web of Science):
(1,071 without autocitations)