• <em>Klebsormidium flaccidum</em>   
  • <em>Mallomonas intermedia</em>   
  • <em>Asterochloris</em> chloroplats   
  • <em>Synura synuroidea</em>   
  • <em>Vulcanochloris guanchorum</em>   
  • <em>Mallomonas caudata</em>   
  • <em>Scotinosphaera gibberosa</em>   
  • <em>Chrysocapsa</em>   
  • <em>Synura uvella</em>   



Pavel Škaloud

Associate Professor, Charles University, Prague, Department of Botany

tel: +420-221-951-648
fax: +420-221-951-645


Ivana Černajová - Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Interests: Ecological niches of lichen symbionts; artificial lichen synthesis


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Martin Pusztai - Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Interests: Evolution and diversity of colonial chrysophytes



Magda Škaloudová - Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Interests: Diversity, ecology and taxonomy of silica-scaled chrysophytes; ecophysiological differentiation of Synura species


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Lucie Vančurová - Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Interests: Photobiont dynamics of  lichens


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Iva Jadrná - PhD student

Research Interests: Population structure in Synura petersenii; morphological evolution of silica-scaled chrysophytes

Education: MSc (2017) Biology, Charles University, Prague


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Veronika Kantnerová - PhD student

Research Interests: Understanding the mechanisms behind the formation of lichen symbiotic association

Education: MSc (2022) Biology, Charles University, Prague


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Petr Knotek - PhD student

Research Interests: Evolutionary history of the genus Mallomonas (Chrysophyceae)

Education: MSc (2022) Biology, Charles University, Prague



Veronica Malavasi - PhD student

Research Interests: Biodiversity, taxonomy and phylogeny of green algae, algal ecology

Education: PhD (2010) Biology, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy


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Zuzana Škvorová - PhD student

Research Interests: Unveiling the key factors determining the lichen symbiosis associations; population genetics of Chrysophyceae

Education: MSc (2017) Biology, Charles University, Prague


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Kateřina Tučková - PhD student

Research Interests: Environmentally dependent adaptive function of microscopic patterns on the silica scales of Chrysophyceae

Education: MSc (2023) Biology, Charles University, Prague


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Veronika Veselá - PhD student

Research Interests: Mechanisms of lichen dispersal and establishment

Education: MSc (2023) Biology, Charles University, Prague


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Jan Fiedler - MSc student

MSc thesis: Dispersal of freshwater algae by waterfowl



Zuzana Herciková - MSc student

MSc thesis: Influence of environmental factors on the occurrence of rare chrysophyte species


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Jonáš Lis - MSc student

MSc thesis: I'm not buying you! Food selectivity of freshwater zooplankton species



External Collaborators

Ondřej Peksa - Assistant Professor
The West Bohemian Museum in Pilsen

Research Interests: Ecology of lichen photobionts, recolonization of lichen species in damaged urban areas



Jana Steinová - Junior Researcher
Charles University

Research Interests: Diversity and phylogeny of symbiotic partners in red-fruited Cladonias and allied species


Visiting Scientists

Tamara Pazos Martínez - PhD student
University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Research Stay: November 2023, March 2024

Research Interests: Biodiversity and evolution of lichens



Dmitry Kapustin - Postdoctoral Researcher
Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters RAS, Borok, Russia

Research Stay: spring 2019

Research Interests: Taxonomy, morphology, diversity and biogeography of chrysophytes and their stomatocysts



Magda Kosecka - PhD student
Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, Poland

Research Stay: spring 2019

Research Interests: Diversity and ecology of lichen photobionts



Camila Barbosa de Araújo - PhD student
Botanical Institute of São Paulo, Brazil

Research Stay: 11/2018 - 04/2019

Research Interests: Morphological variability and taxonomy of desmids



Wanting Pang - Postdoctoral Researcher
Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China

Research Stay: spring 2018

Research Interests: Taxonomy and diversity of chrysophytes and their stomatocysts



Former lab members

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Natálie Čížková

Research Interests: Evolution of nuclear DNA content variation in the genus Mallomonas 


Tereza Gebouská

Research Interests: Molecular diversity and ecological differentiation of Asterochloris photobionts


Anna Hirnerová

Research Interests: Diversity and function of pattern structures in the microworld


Jana Schmidtová

Research Interests: Diversity of symbiotic partners within the lichen family Verrucariaceae


Dora Čertnerová

Research Interests: DNA content variation in algae, with the focus on Chrysophyceae


Michala Klimešová

Research Interests: Diversity and taxonomy of freshwater and terrestrial members of Ulvophyceae


Patricia Moya Gay

Research Interests: Genomic diversity and coexistence of lichen symbionts; lichen ultrastructure


Mája Škvorová

Research Interests: Influence of competition to structure of protist communities


Helena Bestová

Research Interests: Processes structuring desmid (Desmidailes, Zygnematophyceae) communities


Katarína Jurdíková 

Research Interests: Cryptic diversity and population differentiation in desmids



David Ryšánek

Research Interests: Substrate specificity, phylogeography, and diversity of filamentous green alga Klebsormidium (Streptophyta)



Václav Uhlík

Research Interests: Sympatric ecological differentiation of two recently-diverging chrysophyte species



Tereza Červenková

Research Interests: Effect of environmental factors on diversity of lichen phoobionts



Lucie Křivská

Research Interests: Dispersal mechanisms of protists